Monday, November 8, 2010

Dream- Night of nov 6th

I had a dream that I came outside to a beautiful sunset. On the horizon was what appeared to be a large hand imprint in the sky. We all gazed in wonder as we spoke among ourselves wondering if it was a sign that Christ was coming! People started coming out of their houses bringing their cameras wanting to capture this moment. All of the sudden under this handprint in the sky, a huge cross lit up on a hill. We again thought this must be it! A man stood near by the cross and with a microphone began to preach. My heart was all of the sudden filled with fear. While he was talking, he was walking around almost flirting with the women including me. I quickly realized that he was a false priest trying to sway believers before the coming of Christ. I woke up pretty quickly after.....


Sheri Lawson said...

WOW - another interesting dream of yours. I love the new look of your blog by the way.
xox to all.

Nessa said...

Your dream totally freaked me out.